
Ape Weekly #10


49:56 - SioN_510N
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
PsychoticBean91 confirmed their time - 1:02:57
PsychoticBean91 commented: "piipoopuupoo"
SioN_510N commented: "finnish people swearing"
PsychoticBean91 finished the race - 1:02:57
SioN_510N finished the race - 49:56
SioN_510N-Määrittelemätön Lentävä Objekti | 47:02 | 95%
SioN_510N-Jussin Hyökkäys Osa 3 | 44:52 | 90%
SioN_510N-Kummitustalo | 43:38 | 88%
SioN_510N-Specter Sirkus | 41:13 | 83%
SioN_510N{Nykypäivä} TV Torni | 39:24 | 80%
SioN_510N-Apinoiden Työkalutehdas | 34:08 | 69%
SioN_510N-Urbaani Kaupunki | 31:14 | 63%
SioN_510N{Lähimenneisyys} Temppu Linnake | 28:08 | 57%
SioN_510N-Kiinan Muuri | 25:23 | 52%
SioN_510N-Tyyni Temppeli | 22:51 | 47%
SioN_510N{Jääkausi} Apinoiden Kuumalähde | 21:17 | 43%
SioN_510N-Jääpiikkiluola | 19:56 | 41%
SioN_510N-Jäätynyt Meri | 17:48 | 36%
SioN_510N{Alkeellinen Aika} Dexterin Saari | 16:27 | 33%
SioN_510N-Alkeeellinen Meri | 14:23 | 29%
SioN_510N-Alkeellinen Ranta | 13:04 | 27%
SioN_510N{Mystillinen Aika} Kryptiset Reliikit | 11:08 | 23%
SioN_510N-Pimeät Rauniot | 08:39 | 18%
SioN_510N-Viidakkojoki | 06:08 | 13%
SioN_510N{Esihistoriallinen Aika} Dinosaurusten Laakso | 03:17 | 7%
SioN_510N-Sateinen Lampi | 01:55 | 4%
SioN_510N-Muinainen Laakso | 00:16 | 1%
SioN_510N split
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by SioN_510N
SioN_510N is ready
PsychoticBean91 has joined the race
SioN_510N has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1672 - evertyo
1655 - Drunk_Kami
1620 - SioN_510N
Top Times This Month
PB - 47:551652+38Done

"finnish people swearing"
No PB1493-38Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
PsychoticBean91 confirmed their time - 1:02:57
PsychoticBean91 commented: "piipoopuupoo"
SioN_510N commented: "finnish people swearing"
PsychoticBean91 finished the race - 1:02:57
SioN_510N finished the race - 49:56
SioN_510N-Määrittelemätön Lentävä Objekti | 47:02 | 95%
SioN_510N-Jussin Hyökkäys Osa 3 | 44:52 | 90%
SioN_510N-Kummitustalo | 43:38 | 88%
SioN_510N-Specter Sirkus | 41:13 | 83%
SioN_510N{Nykypäivä} TV Torni | 39:24 | 80%
SioN_510N-Apinoiden Työkalutehdas | 34:08 | 69%
SioN_510N-Urbaani Kaupunki | 31:14 | 63%
SioN_510N{Lähimenneisyys} Temppu Linnake | 28:08 | 57%
SioN_510N-Kiinan Muuri | 25:23 | 52%
SioN_510N-Tyyni Temppeli | 22:51 | 47%
SioN_510N{Jääkausi} Apinoiden Kuumalähde | 21:17 | 43%
SioN_510N-Jääpiikkiluola | 19:56 | 41%
SioN_510N-Jäätynyt Meri | 17:48 | 36%
SioN_510N{Alkeellinen Aika} Dexterin Saari | 16:27 | 33%
SioN_510N-Alkeeellinen Meri | 14:23 | 29%
SioN_510N-Alkeellinen Ranta | 13:04 | 27%
SioN_510N{Mystillinen Aika} Kryptiset Reliikit | 11:08 | 23%
SioN_510N-Pimeät Rauniot | 08:39 | 18%
SioN_510N-Viidakkojoki | 06:08 | 13%
SioN_510N{Esihistoriallinen Aika} Dinosaurusten Laakso | 03:17 | 7%
SioN_510N-Sateinen Lampi | 01:55 | 4%
SioN_510N-Muinainen Laakso | 00:16 | 1%
SioN_510N split
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by SioN_510N
SioN_510N is ready
PsychoticBean91 has joined the race
SioN_510N has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1672 - evertyo
1655 - Drunk_Kami
1620 - SioN_510N
Top Times This Month