
Jak The Chicken Tournament LB R2

Vortex vs. Mike #4

09:30 - MikeGamePro
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
PrinceVorteX confirmed their time - 10:42
JakSpeedruns abandoned the race
PrinceVorteX finished the race - 10:42
PrinceVorteXCold Pipe | 09:49 | 88%
MikeGamePro confirmed their time - 09:30
MikeGamePro finished the race - 09:30
PrinceVorteXGarden | 09:19 | 83%
MikeGameProCold Pipe | 08:44 | 92%
PrinceVorteXChicks | 08:35 | 77%
MikeGameProGarden | 08:13 | 86%
PrinceVorteXSpace Bridge | 07:37 | 68%
MikeGameProChicks | 07:28 | 78%
PrinceVorteXChemical Factory | 07:09 | 63%
MikeGameProSpace Bridge | 06:41 | 69%
PrinceVorteXGlass Towers | 06:32 | 57%
PrinceVorteXIslands | 06:12 | 55%
MikeGameProChemical Factory | 06:13 | 64%
PrinceVorteXIce Slide | 05:42 | 49%
MikeGameProGlass Towers | 05:36 | 57%
MikeGameProIslands | 05:17 | 54%
PrinceVorteXVilla Cuba | 05:09 | 47%
MikeGameProIce Slide | 04:53 | 50%
MikeGameProVilla Cuba | 04:22 | 44%
PrinceVorteXCoins | 03:56 | 38%
PrinceVorteXIce Canyon | 03:49 | 37%
MikeGameProCoins | 03:38 | 37%
MikeGameProIce Canyon | 03:31 | 35%
PrinceVorteXPyramid | 03:24 | 33%
MikeGameProPyramid | 03:04 | 31%
PrinceVorteXCathedral | 02:56 | 28%
MikeGameProCathedral | 02:35 | 26%
PrinceVorteXMonument | 02:19 | 23%
MikeGameProMonument | 01:58 | 20%
PrinceVorteXHollywood | 01:39 | 16%
MikeGameProHollywood | 01:17 | 13%
PrinceVorteXFactory Cross | 01:06 | 11%
MikeGameProFactory Cross | 00:46 | 8%
PrinceVorteXBlock Town | 00:17 | 3%
MikeGameProBlock City | 00:19 | 3%
Race has started
Countdown started!
JakSpeedruns is ready
PrinceVorteX is ready
PrinceVorteX has joined the race


Top Ratings
1731 - ThaRixer
1664 - Bintendo42
Top Times This Month
PB - 09:291594+29Done

PB - 09:411630-27Done

No PB961-2DNF

Abandoned - 11:54
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
PrinceVorteX confirmed their time - 10:42
JakSpeedruns abandoned the race
PrinceVorteX finished the race - 10:42
PrinceVorteXCold Pipe | 09:49 | 88%
MikeGamePro confirmed their time - 09:30
MikeGamePro finished the race - 09:30
PrinceVorteXGarden | 09:19 | 83%
MikeGameProCold Pipe | 08:44 | 92%
PrinceVorteXChicks | 08:35 | 77%
MikeGameProGarden | 08:13 | 86%
PrinceVorteXSpace Bridge | 07:37 | 68%
MikeGameProChicks | 07:28 | 78%
PrinceVorteXChemical Factory | 07:09 | 63%
MikeGameProSpace Bridge | 06:41 | 69%
PrinceVorteXGlass Towers | 06:32 | 57%
PrinceVorteXIslands | 06:12 | 55%
MikeGameProChemical Factory | 06:13 | 64%
PrinceVorteXIce Slide | 05:42 | 49%
MikeGameProGlass Towers | 05:36 | 57%
MikeGameProIslands | 05:17 | 54%
PrinceVorteXVilla Cuba | 05:09 | 47%
MikeGameProIce Slide | 04:53 | 50%
MikeGameProVilla Cuba | 04:22 | 44%
PrinceVorteXCoins | 03:56 | 38%
PrinceVorteXIce Canyon | 03:49 | 37%
MikeGameProCoins | 03:38 | 37%
MikeGameProIce Canyon | 03:31 | 35%
PrinceVorteXPyramid | 03:24 | 33%
MikeGameProPyramid | 03:04 | 31%
PrinceVorteXCathedral | 02:56 | 28%
MikeGameProCathedral | 02:35 | 26%
PrinceVorteXMonument | 02:19 | 23%
MikeGameProMonument | 01:58 | 20%
PrinceVorteXHollywood | 01:39 | 16%
MikeGameProHollywood | 01:17 | 13%
PrinceVorteXFactory Cross | 01:06 | 11%
MikeGameProFactory Cross | 00:46 | 8%
PrinceVorteXBlock Town | 00:17 | 3%
MikeGameProBlock City | 00:19 | 3%
Race has started
Countdown started!
JakSpeedruns is ready
PrinceVorteX is ready
PrinceVorteX has joined the race


Top Ratings
1731 - ThaRixer
1664 - Bintendo42
Top Times This Month