
Hundo EZ

Buns Runs

1:38:05 - Thunder99D
DarkspySCBM: chatma
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
DarkspySCBM confirmed their time - 1:47:40
DarkspySCBM commented: "Buns"
DarkspySCBM finished the race - 1:47:40
Thunder99D commented: "Buns"
DarkspySCBMSector 2 | 1:42:11 | 96%
Thunder99D confirmed their time - 1:38:05
Thunder99D finished the race - 1:38:05
DarkspySCBMSector 6 | 1:36:13 | 92%
Thunder99D2 Clean | 1:33:05 | 96%
DarkspySCBMSector 5 | 1:31:27 | 88%
DarkspySCBMSector 3 | 1:31:26 | 83%
Thunder99D6 Clean | 1:27:55 | 92%
DarkspySCBMSector 1 | 1:26:11 | 79%
Thunder99D5 Clean | 1:23:50 | 88%
Thunder99D3 Clean | 1:22:36 | 83%
DarkspySCBMScrew Attack | 1:21:37 | 75%
Thunder99D1 Clean | 1:19:01 | 79%
DarkspySCBMWave Beam | 1:17:25 | 71%
Thunder99DTinnitus | 1:15:01 | 75%
DarkspySCBMPublic Message | 1:13:03 | 67%
Thunder99DWave | 1:11:08 | 71%
DarkspySCBMGravity Suit | 1:07:35 | 63%
Thunder99DDiffusion | 1:07:10 | 67%
Thunder99DWet Suit | 1:02:29 | 63%
DarkspySCBMBlasma | 1:02:04 | 58%
DarkspySCBMKing Yak | 59:17 | 54%
Thunder99DPlasma | 57:13 | 58%
DarkspySCBMPower Bombs | 52:26 | 50%
DarkspySCBMAnimals | 49:29 | 46%
Thunder99DPower Boombs | 48:33 | 50%
Thunder99DAnimales | 45:31 | 46%
DarkspySCBMWide Beam | 45:23 | 42%
Thunder99DO-Rings | 42:00 | 42%
DarkspySCBMIce Missiles | 41:03 | 38%
Thunder99DIce Missiles | 38:01 | 38%
DarkspySCBMbaria | 35:19 | 33%
Thunder99DCheese Suit | 32:51 | 33%
DarkspySCBMSuper Missiles | 29:34 | 29%
Thunder99DSupers | 27:19 | 29%
DarkspySCBMBruce | 22:49 | 25%
Thunder99DUSELESS | 21:51 | 25%
DarkspySCBMHigh Jump | 17:45 | 21%
Thunder99DMagnum | 16:28 | 21%
DarkspySCBMBombs | 14:36 | 17%
Thunder99DBoombs | 13:32 | 17%


Top Ratings
1572 - Thunder99D
1494 - Shmayd
Top Times This Month
PB - 1:38:571500Done

PB - 1:48:361500Done

DarkspySCBM: chatma
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
DarkspySCBM confirmed their time - 1:47:40
DarkspySCBM commented: "Buns"
DarkspySCBM finished the race - 1:47:40
Thunder99D commented: "Buns"
DarkspySCBMSector 2 | 1:42:11 | 96%
Thunder99D confirmed their time - 1:38:05
Thunder99D finished the race - 1:38:05
DarkspySCBMSector 6 | 1:36:13 | 92%
Thunder99D2 Clean | 1:33:05 | 96%
DarkspySCBMSector 5 | 1:31:27 | 88%
DarkspySCBMSector 3 | 1:31:26 | 83%
Thunder99D6 Clean | 1:27:55 | 92%
DarkspySCBMSector 1 | 1:26:11 | 79%
Thunder99D5 Clean | 1:23:50 | 88%
Thunder99D3 Clean | 1:22:36 | 83%
DarkspySCBMScrew Attack | 1:21:37 | 75%
Thunder99D1 Clean | 1:19:01 | 79%
DarkspySCBMWave Beam | 1:17:25 | 71%
Thunder99DTinnitus | 1:15:01 | 75%
DarkspySCBMPublic Message | 1:13:03 | 67%
Thunder99DWave | 1:11:08 | 71%
DarkspySCBMGravity Suit | 1:07:35 | 63%
Thunder99DDiffusion | 1:07:10 | 67%
Thunder99DWet Suit | 1:02:29 | 63%
DarkspySCBMBlasma | 1:02:04 | 58%
DarkspySCBMKing Yak | 59:17 | 54%
Thunder99DPlasma | 57:13 | 58%
DarkspySCBMPower Bombs | 52:26 | 50%
DarkspySCBMAnimals | 49:29 | 46%
Thunder99DPower Boombs | 48:33 | 50%
Thunder99DAnimales | 45:31 | 46%
DarkspySCBMWide Beam | 45:23 | 42%
Thunder99DO-Rings | 42:00 | 42%
DarkspySCBMIce Missiles | 41:03 | 38%
Thunder99DIce Missiles | 38:01 | 38%
DarkspySCBMbaria | 35:19 | 33%
Thunder99DCheese Suit | 32:51 | 33%
DarkspySCBMSuper Missiles | 29:34 | 29%
Thunder99DSupers | 27:19 | 29%
DarkspySCBMBruce | 22:49 | 25%
Thunder99DUSELESS | 21:51 | 25%
DarkspySCBMHigh Jump | 17:45 | 21%
Thunder99DMagnum | 16:28 | 21%
DarkspySCBMBombs | 14:36 | 17%
Thunder99DBoombs | 13:32 | 17%


Top Ratings
1572 - Thunder99D
1494 - Shmayd
Top Times This Month