Hero Story

23:01 - Flubbler
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
speedstergamingbr18 abandoned the race
ILikeEggsToo confirmed their time - 24:21
ILikeEggsToo finished the race - 24:21
ILikeEggsTooFinal Rush | 24:04 | 99%
Flubbler confirmed their time - 23:01
Flubbler finished the race - 23:01
FlubblerFinal Rush | 22:40 | 98%
ILikeEggsTooEggman 2 | 22:44 | 92%
ILikeEggsTooCrazy Gadget | 22:29 | 90%
ILikeEggsTooRouge | 21:41 | 87%
FlubblerEggman 2 | 20:37 | 90%
ILikeEggsTooMeteor Herd | 21:26 | 85%
FlubblerCrazy Gadget | 20:21 | 89%
FlubblerRouge | 19:32 | 85%
ILikeEggsTooEternal Engine | 20:20 | 82%
FlubblerMeteor Herd | 19:17 | 84%
FlubblerEternal Engine | 18:44 | 81%
ILikeEggsTooEgg Golem | 18:45 | 75%
ILikeEggsTooKing Boom Boo | 18:14 | 73%
Sister_Iris abandoned the race
Sister_IrisPyramid Cave | 19:35 | 71%
FlubblerEgg Golem | 17:14 | 75%
ILikeEggsTooDeath Chamber | 17:35 | 71%
FlubblerKing Boom Boo | 16:40 | 73%
ILikeEggsTooPyramid Cave | 16:46 | 66%
FlubblerDeath Chamber | 16:03 | 69%
Sister_IrisHidden Base | 17:27 | 64%
FlubblerPyramid Cave | 15:30 | 66%
ILikeEggsTooHidden Base | 15:12 | 60%
FlubblerHidden Base | 13:37 | 59%
Sister_IrisRoute 101 | 15:32 | 56%
ILikeEggsTooRoute 101 | 13:21 | 53%
FlubblerRoute 101 | 11:53 | 52%
Sister_IrisAquatic Mine | 13:14 | 48%
ILikeEggsTooAquatic Mine | 11:07 | 44%
Sister_IrisMission Street | 12:27 | 45%
ILikeEggsTooMission Street | 10:31 | 42%
FlubblerAquatic Mine | 09:40 | 42%
FlubblerMission Street | 09:05 | 40%
ILikeEggsTooPumpkin Hill | 07:58 | 32%
Sister_IrisPumpkin Hill | 08:35 | 33%
ILikeEggsTooGreen Forest | 07:12 | 29%
Sister_IrisGreen Forest | 07:44 | 30%
FlubblerPumpkin Hill | 07:02 | 31%
FlubblerGreen Forest | 06:26 | 28%
Sister_IrisSonic 1 | 06:10 | 24%


Top Ratings
1677 - Flubbler
Top Times This Month
PB - 21:481656+28Done

PB - 23:131591+12Done

PB - 32:311368-8DNF

Abandoned - 43:29
PB - 25:511484-31DNF

Abandoned - 25:46
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
speedstergamingbr18 abandoned the race
ILikeEggsToo confirmed their time - 24:21
ILikeEggsToo finished the race - 24:21
ILikeEggsTooFinal Rush | 24:04 | 99%
Flubbler confirmed their time - 23:01
Flubbler finished the race - 23:01
FlubblerFinal Rush | 22:40 | 98%
ILikeEggsTooEggman 2 | 22:44 | 92%
ILikeEggsTooCrazy Gadget | 22:29 | 90%
ILikeEggsTooRouge | 21:41 | 87%
FlubblerEggman 2 | 20:37 | 90%
ILikeEggsTooMeteor Herd | 21:26 | 85%
FlubblerCrazy Gadget | 20:21 | 89%
FlubblerRouge | 19:32 | 85%
ILikeEggsTooEternal Engine | 20:20 | 82%
FlubblerMeteor Herd | 19:17 | 84%
FlubblerEternal Engine | 18:44 | 81%
ILikeEggsTooEgg Golem | 18:45 | 75%
ILikeEggsTooKing Boom Boo | 18:14 | 73%
Sister_Iris abandoned the race
Sister_IrisPyramid Cave | 19:35 | 71%
FlubblerEgg Golem | 17:14 | 75%
ILikeEggsTooDeath Chamber | 17:35 | 71%
FlubblerKing Boom Boo | 16:40 | 73%
ILikeEggsTooPyramid Cave | 16:46 | 66%
FlubblerDeath Chamber | 16:03 | 69%
Sister_IrisHidden Base | 17:27 | 64%
FlubblerPyramid Cave | 15:30 | 66%
ILikeEggsTooHidden Base | 15:12 | 60%
FlubblerHidden Base | 13:37 | 59%
Sister_IrisRoute 101 | 15:32 | 56%
ILikeEggsTooRoute 101 | 13:21 | 53%
FlubblerRoute 101 | 11:53 | 52%
Sister_IrisAquatic Mine | 13:14 | 48%
ILikeEggsTooAquatic Mine | 11:07 | 44%
Sister_IrisMission Street | 12:27 | 45%
ILikeEggsTooMission Street | 10:31 | 42%
FlubblerAquatic Mine | 09:40 | 42%
FlubblerMission Street | 09:05 | 40%
ILikeEggsTooPumpkin Hill | 07:58 | 32%
Sister_IrisPumpkin Hill | 08:35 | 33%
ILikeEggsTooGreen Forest | 07:12 | 29%
Sister_IrisGreen Forest | 07:44 | 30%
FlubblerPumpkin Hill | 07:02 | 31%
FlubblerGreen Forest | 06:26 | 28%
Sister_IrisSonic 1 | 06:10 | 24%


Top Ratings
1677 - Flubbler
Top Times This Month